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Seasonal Lawn Care: Tips for Each Season

Posted on January 23rd, 2024

Maintaining a lush, healthy lawn is a year-round commitment. From spring rejuvenation to winter fortification, each season presents unique challenges and opportunities for lawn growth.

In this guide, we’ll provide best practices for lawn care by season. Discover each season’s unique demands and keep your outdoor haven flourishing all year.


As winter fades, warm and cool season grasses, like tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and Bermuda grass, awaken from their slumber. Following a lawn care seasonal schedule during this transitional period can prevent weed growth and unsightly bare spots.

Here are some tips to rejuvenate your lawn for the growing season ahead:

  • Raking: Begin by gently raking away debris, fallen branches, and dead grass accumulated over winter. This prevents thatch buildup and allows better air circulation and sunlight penetration.
  • Aeration: If your lawn has endured a harsh winter, consider aeration. This process involves creating small openings in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots.
  • Seeding and Fertilizing: Spring is prime time for seeding bare patches and applying a balanced fertilizer to nourish your lawn. Select a fertilizer with a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) ratio suitable for your grass type.
  • Weed Control: Tackle weeds early to prevent them from spreading and competing with desirable plants. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide to inhibit weed growth and a post-emergent herbicide for existing weeds. Follow the product instructions for safe and practical application.
  • Mowing: Regular mowing encourages lateral growth, resulting in a denser and more resilient lawn. As the grass grows in spring, gradually lower the mower blades and maintain a two to three-inch height to promote a balanced and lush appearance.


As temperatures rise, your lawn requires special attention to withstand the heat. Follow these tips for a thriving summer lawn:

  • Watering: The frequency of watering depends on your location and soil type. Water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation. As a general rule of thumb, the soil should receive around one to 1.5 inches of water weekly. Consider investing in an irrigation system for efficient water distribution.
  • Mowing Height: Keep your grass a bit taller, around three to four inches, to provide ample shade for the soil. This encourages heat tolerance and deeper root growth. Sharpen your mower blades regularly for a clean cut, minimizing stress on the grass.
  • Fertilization: Apply a slow-release fertilizer to sustain your lawn throughout the summer. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers during the hottest months, as they may encourage excessive top growth, making your lawn more vulnerable to drought stress and pests.
  • Pest Management: Watch out for pests like grubs, sod webworms and chinch bugs. Consider using natural predators or environmentally friendly pesticides to protect your lawn while maintaining a balanced ecosystem.
  • Spot Treatments: Weed growth often increases in the summer. Spot treatments help target areas with weed infestations, minimizing chemical use and its impact on surrounding grass and plants.


As temperatures cool, shift your focus to preparing your lawn for the dormant winter months. Follow these autumn lawn care tips:

  • Leaf Removal: Regularly remove fallen leaves to promote airflow. Consider mulching leaves with a lawnmower for added nutrients, creating a natural fertilizer for your lawn.
  • Aeration: Give your lawn one last aerating session to alleviate compaction and ensure oxygen and nutrients reach the roots.
  • Fertilizing: Adding fertilizer in the fall helps grass store energy for the impending winter. It also helps strengthen the roots, allowing grass to withstand winter stressors like freezing temperatures and frost.
  • Overseeding: This addresses any thin or bare areas, promoting a green and vibrant appearance come spring. Choose a quality seed blend suited to your region and grass type for optimal results.
  • Mowing Height: Maintain a shorter grass height to prevent potential diseases and pest problems. Additionally, remove excess thatch to facilitate nutrient absorption during the dormant period.


While winter often means minimal lawn care, a few steps can ensure a healthier return in spring:

  • Snow Removal: Promptly remove snow to prevent mold growth and snow mold diseases. Use a snow blower or shovel carefully to avoid damaging the grass.
  • Prune Trees and Shrubs: Use the winter months to prune trees and shrubs, allowing more sunlight to reach the lawn come spring. Proper pruning also prevents overhanging branches from causing damage during winter storms.
  • Pest Management: Watch for winter pests like rodents or snow mold. Set traps or bait stations around the lawn perimeter to deter rodents. Ensure that outdoor garbage bins are tightly sealed to minimize food sources for rodents. Prevent snow mold by avoiding piling large snow banks on the lawn.
  • Watering: If your region experiences dry winter spells, occasional watering can prevent lawn dehydration. Water during the warmer parts of the day to allow absorption before temperatures drop.
  • Plan for Spring: List tasks to tackle as soon as the weather permits, including a thorough spring cleaning, aeration, and herbicide application to ward off early-season weeds.

Ensure Year-Round Lawn Care with Turf Unlimited

Adopting a lawn care seasonal schedule requires skill and consistency. You’ll need the right tools and techniques to address specific issues and preserve your lawn’s vitality. 

At Turf Unlimited, we will happily meet your lawn care needs. From grub control to sprinkler installation and pest control, we offer comprehensive lawn care by season. 

Our team proudly serves over 3,000 satisfied clients throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We rigorously test all new products at our facility before introducing them into the field. 

Get in touch now to learn more about our services.

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